
Welcome to color tagging

What is PrizmaTag?

PrizmaTag (patent pending) are new generation multicolor tags to identify objects in photos.
After years of experience and millions of barcodes being used we are proud to present PrizmaTag (pTags).
pTags are optimized to be read from a distance in varying angles and even at low light conditions.
pTags are great for work, industrial, fun sport and personal purposes.
Make sure your pTags are in the frame. They will tell you what else is in there.

Better data density

PrizmaTags require a much smaller footprint because they use colors. Space is always limited and with our technology we are able to embed more data than any other codes on the same precious area. PrizmaTag needs less space, leaving more for you.

Optimized for real life photos

Older barcode scanners do not “see” colors. Today's modern cameras are in every pocket and they make great photos in millions of colors. pTags leverage them to enhance speed and accuracy of detection.

Built-in error correction

Real life photography is challenging. Light conditions vary, moving objects are harder to focus and not every shot is perfect. This is why we have developed the best error correction algorithms and included them in each pTag to better detect in extreme conditions.

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